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Our Calendar for 2024 - 2025

Here's where you'll find us out and about in 2024.  We'd love to see you!  
Feel free to contact us if you'd like further information.  

13th October
Knitters' Guild NSW's FibreFest - Wyong


4th December
Wingham Spinners and Craft



28th-30th March
Nambucca Valley Spinners and Weavers' Retreat - Stuarts Point


Newcastle Spinners & Weavers Guild's Trade Day - Hamilton


2nd-4th May
Hervey Bay Spinners, Weavers & Fibre Artists Camp - Pialba, Qld


25th May

Hive & Gobbler's 'Knitters Picnic' Market Day - Dungog


If you're at any of these events, come and say Hi!

Haven't yet planned to go to any of them?  Maybe now's a good time to.  So much yarny goodness to be inspired by!
And remember, I can always bring some yarns to your group or gathering.  Feel free to contact me to arrange something.

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